Sunday, December 22, 2019

Forgotten cookies aka meringues

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... 

Yes, we still have snow. 

I have the table ready and our two tier platter is decorated. 

Every year you could count on my mom to make dozens and dozens of cookies and breads for the holidays. Now, in her late eighties, she longer likes to make cookies.  She says it takes to long, there is a huge mess and oh... the standing.  I am lucky enough to still enjoy a cookie making day and made one of her favorites... Forgotten cookies. 

They are really meringues but left overnight (forgotten) and brought out of the oven in the morning.  You can make all kinds... plain, with nuts, chocolate, so many kinds but I made peppermint. 

Here are the cast of players:

4 egg whites… room temperature… hens were so happy to be a part of this project
3/4 cup of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract
1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar

Heat oven 275* F
Beat the egg whites until frothy -medium speed. Then add the vanilla, peppermint and cream of tartar (I also added a drop of red food coloring at this time) until soft peaks form. Then crank it up to high speed and add the sugar, one tablespoon at a time until stiff shiny peaks form and completely incorporated (about 2min.). 
Drop spoonful on a parchment lined cookie sheet, about an inch apart.  Bake for 30. Then turn off the oven and leave until morning (or at least 2 hours). Store in airtight container for a week... if they last that long. 

Minty, crunchy and ohso light! 

Oh and here are some lamb pictures... I just love 'em. 

I do like what Dude did with the hay manager...

The lambs can get to the food and the "lid" keeps it dry. 

Someone is happy.


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