Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Garden to Table and other stuff on the homestead.

The greenhouse is taking off. Everything has, at least, poked through the soil.

Today I picked all bunch of different greens... spinach, lettuces...

Made a wonderful salad for dinner from the garden and leftover veggie tray from the holiday. 

Used leftover turkey, cheese and cheeseball from Easter mixed with green chilies to make taquitos for dinner. 

Ready to pack and head to work. The little gray lids have salsa for the taquitos and dressing for the salad.

I did cut out a new purse for summer.

Here is what I am reading. 

Just a short quick note.  Have a great day. 


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Homestead update April 18

Today was warm but extremely windy.

The garden was green and very happy looking.  It is amazing how little you need for your family. Keep it trimmed and it will continue to give you food. 


Red Lettuce

Butter lettuce

We filled a basket to make our lunch and dinner side. 
We picked a couple of radishes to go with our salad.

I trimmed the parsley... again.  I like it as a salad, in recipes, a garnish and dried for winter dishes. 

We made a big salad.

I headed to the store while Dude moved big rocks with the tractor and got the chicken house ready for new meat hens.  I took pictures so you could see some birds are more expensive than others.  Meat hens are $2 each.

I picked up 30 chicks to raise for the next 6-8 weeks for our fall and winter meals. 

They cozied themselves under the heat lamp. 

Dude continued outside while I got the table and dinner ready for Holy Thursday. 

Lamb shanks are going in the oven for our Seder meal for Holy Thursday.

We raised this lamb.  I am not sure we could butcher another lamb. We are raising two and Dude says he is not sure he can eat these two tender friends. 

When it comes out of the oven we will have it with apple salad, regular salad, matzo , hard boiled eggs and cheesecake for dessert. 

May you have a very blessed Holy Thursday. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Crafty Wednesday, the Garden and more.

I have the next three days off work.  Dude was off helping his daughter who was in a car accident yesterday. She is doing okay but her car is totaled and she was very sore today. 

I needed to get ready for Easter and wanted to make something for the gates. 

I got a couple of pieces of Styrofoam and cut out a shape of a rabbit. 

Spray painted them, both sides. 

And tied them with a large ribbon to the gate.  Later the dog barked at them until he found them not to be a threat.

I have been wanting to try a box card for a while but was intimidated by them. I used the cartridge from Cricut called All Occasion Box Cards.  Instead of adding the cutouts inside they had , I used Easter buttons and removed the shanks. 

I am addicted to these cards and will make more. 

They fold nicely .

And fit into an A2 envelope. 

This is Holy Week and I took time out to take a rosary walk with the dog and sheep.

Dude has been catching up in the garden.  We are way behind but, for Colorado, we have time to catch up.  We were travelling a lot and then we had issue with dud seeds causing us to start all over.  

Garlic, radishes, and carrots are coming up after only a few weeks. The garlic was planted long ago to get a good freeze before coming up. 

Lettuces and spinaches. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon moving rock to the base of the house so nothing grows next to it and ruin the siding. 

Tomorrow, more crafting and a nature walk.  We will see what else we can get into. 


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A Spring Craft, the Garden and What I Am Reading

I can't believe I haven't posted since St Patrick's Day. We have been so busy going through my mom's house and packing since she moved into an apartment.  It is an exciting and scary time for her.  We are also working on new projects here on the homestead plus trying to finish up a degree at work. If your work will pay for education, go for it. If your work matches a 401k contribution, go for it.   So, all in all, it makes it a very active time for us. 

I did manage to squeeze a craft into the schedule today. I found these in my stash but I am sure you can find them at the Dollar Store too. 

Added some moss. 

And some bobbles, a bird... for this tiny wreath. 

And eggs for this bigger version. 

In the garden … mint is making a comeback. 

Tulips are coming up after the recent snow. 

Garlic and...

Lettuce in the greenhouse. 

Here's what I'm reading...

Oh... and the hens are laying again! Finally... they can earn their keep with egg money and our meals!

Have a great day! 
