Thursday, December 5, 2019

5th day of the Jesse tree, forcing branches, the greenhouse, crockpot potatoes

A rainy and snowy day and this clown was my companion.

Okay, he's adorable. 

What a mug...

Well, perhaps I was a little boring. 

He asked for the treadmill and this is how I find him ...with his pet pink pig.


Day 5 of the Jesse Tree

December 5 - Abraham: Genesis 12:1-7, 15:1-6 Symbol: mountain / night sky 
Here is part :
 4Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir." 5He took him outside and said, "Look up at the sky and count the stars-if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." I used felt, wool and cardboard.

Added a few sequins for stars.

Yesterday was the feast of St Barbara.  Her tale is kind of a Rapunzel story.  Her evil father traps her and keeps her in a tower. One of the things she does to bring the outside in , is force cherry tree branches. 

Last week or so I brought in willow branches to force.  Today I saw they have tiny roots. 

They do well in the house , except for the cat drinking the water every day but otherwise...

And some leaves sprouting.

Today, I did go out … in the snow... and get a couple of apple tree branches to sprout. I hope they do as well. 

It was cold and with yesterday thaw, it left a wet and muddy mess. 

But the rain today did eventually turn to snow. 

Thank goodness Dude cleaned the lamb's water trough yesterday when it was a bit warmer. 

Today we went out to water in the greenhouse. Not much is growing but there are some plants. 

Carrots, lettuce, spinach. 

There is no heat so we do cover them with a blanket. We used to do this even when we didn't have a greenhouse and our spinach and lettuce would continue to grow. 

Dinner!  Dude loves potatoes so I thought I would try them in the crockpot. 

I got one of our homegrown onions from storage, along with some potatoes (store bought)

Peeled the onion looks fabulous. 

I lined the crockpot (no problem or time to clean), put in the chopped onion and potatoes. 

1/2 cup water, 1/2 stick butter, salt and pepper. 

I put them on 4 hours on high but you can also do 8 hours on low. 

They smelled wonderful. 

When the time was up I added milk and sour creamed and mashed them.  I will use the leftovers for veggie shepard pie tomorrow. 

Salad was lettuce, chopped apple, celery and Irish cheese. 

Dude made pork chops... this was his idea of my plate. 

I correct him.  (I don't each much meat - smile)


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