Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Turkeys, garden, cantaloupe, catnip and new steps.

It is time to fatten these critters up for Thanksgiving. This time of year (or earlier)  we start giving them corn with their food.  It helps any of our animals to fatten up before they are taken to the butcher. Then it got me thinking... if it fattens up animals , should I be eating if I am trying to lose weight? Hmmm.

Catnip. I decided to plant some in a pot to see if I can grow it at my desk at work.  I don't dare try to grow it here with four cats.

On the way to the greenhouse I was met by these two calling me to give them a hug. Okay, what really happened was they snuck in the goat pen and ate their hay. 

Found some small pots. 

And went through the green house. 

 Dude is hoping for corn for Thanksgiving. 

Yay!  My new greens are coming up!

 Peppers will be pickled and jalapeños will be stuffed this weekend. 
 We still have tomatoes. 

 Lettuce came back nice after trimming. 

I came back in the house and started sewing some catnip pillows. I had a jar of store bought catnip plus a friend gave me a bunch from their yard.  The latter is drying for now. 

I got them all ready to sew tonight when I got home. I put them at the machine and left to get water. When I came back I found a cat having a blast! errrr. I put the cat out and gave up for the night. 

The water of the day was cantaloupe. 
 Yep, we still have a lot of cantaloupe so I decide to make water out of it.  I cut up a small cantaloupe and put in the food processor with 2 tablespoons of lime juice, a cup of water and a big pinch of powder sugar. Give it a good whirl until it is liquid. 

Strained it over my drinking mug. 

Yum! Very refreshing but it does have a bold cantaloupe flavor. 

Dude was busy today too making new steps 

I think they turned out great!

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