Monday, June 19, 2017

Milking again, jarring honey and working on the home's addition

I thought the day (the part before I commute to work) would be to do laundry and clean the bathrooms.  Well, I got the bathrooms cleaned and then it all broke loose from there.  Dude wanted to get Peppy milked. Her bag was full and for some reason her kids weren't eating. He got the milking machine ready. 

 He looked all over for the milking jar and then I realized we used it last year to put the leftover honey in.  So I needed to get the honey jarred up.  It had gotten hard so I had to heat it up.  I got set up, put the burner on low and headed outside to help. 

When I got out there Peppy was screaming from the trailer.... "I want to be fed NOW." We hold their feed until we are ready to milk, hoping they will just eat calmly while we milk. 

Angelo wanted to watch but he was told... not today partner. 

Peppy was led to the milking stall with babies close behind. 

Poor thing her bag was very full. 

Kids played and chased each other. 

Mommy didn't make it easier for us to milk her but once she began to get relief she relaxed. She bucked, kicked, tried to sit on me and unhooked the head latch with her horns but settled down once she knew what was going on. Her mom was way different when we had her...she was a mellow goat. 

...And babies were fed and all were happy. 

Back in the house to jar up the honey so we can use the milking machine tomorrow instead of milking by hand. The honey is jarred up and looking good. 

Our granddaughter made sure the geese got in a good swim before I left for work.

Dude and Son set to work on the new addition. 

Here's where they got to before quitting.  I didn't get home until after 10pm so this is the best picture for now. Tomorrow the light will show the work they did.


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