Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Drying mint and making carrot soup

Living on the prairie and not having very many trees there is a lot of pasture.  Dude spent most of the day yesterday in the tractor mowing some or our ten acres. 

Today he is taking the dog to the vet.  We think she popped out her hip when another visiting dog bowled her over. Nothing is close and after calling many places, including the University of Northern Colorado, everyone is booked solid so we are taking her about 45 minutes away to a new vet.

I will be cutting the mint.  We use mint for tea, in our water, it is great for tummy aches, I include it many food, especially Asian and Middle Eastern foods, jelly, tabouli, and use it in our coop. It is a calming herb. If you are into the meaning of plants mint's is virtue or moral excellence.  It grows like a weed and gets a bit out of control. All this little guy requires from us is water and love.   Since I am gathering a lot today I won't be using the dehydrator but tying it up and hanging in the kitchen. It will dry quickly (we live in extremely dry climate) and only in a matter of days.  Then I will put it in large buckets to use in the coop with lavender and roses later as a insecticide and it keeps critters, like rodents, out, plus it smells great. 

I needed to thin the carrots and in doing so decide dinner would be carrot soup, leftover collards  and for Dude leftover ham.  There are quite a few carrots and they HAD to be thinned or risk loosing the bulk of them.  I wish you could smell what fresh carrots, right out of the ground, smell like. It is a beautiful smell of orange, vitamin A and life. I couldn't wait to use them. I also had a case of coconut milk and wanted to learn how to use it. I had no idea what to do with but found a recipe here . Curried Coconut Carrot Soup. 

I like soup chunky so instead of pureeing I just use the potato masher and it was perfect for me. 

Ready to take to work. 

The only other thing I had time to do was water a couple of the gardens. 
Hope you have a wonderful day


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