Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday update - new chicks, dehydrating, some pottery shopping and spinning wool

My city job wasn't to begin until after lunch and wanted to go spin wool at my sister's before work . I knew I needed to get up early. 

I had to get the collards out of the dehydrator and bagged up. 

Then slice up watermelon and get it into the dehydrator.  Our granddaughters wanted it when they were visiting but never ate it.  No way Dude and I would finish it and I didn't want it to go to waste, so I decided to dry it. I like it to dry hard... that way it's like candy but this time I want to grind it up into a powder to add to other stuff like ice cream, cream cheese, or whipped cream.  The possibilities are endless. 

By the time I finished it it was around 7:30 am.  The phone rang. It was the post office to say our chick were in and we could come pick them up at the back door.  Guinea fowl, turkeys and a couple heritage geese. Cute little critters. 

By 830 am I was out the door and off to my sisters. She had some snacks ready in her garden.  She is proof you can have a garden even in an apartment. 

I did get some spinning done. I brought my bag of wool rollags and got to work.

My first yarn....grin... we will pretend it is art !

My sister is a master weaver. Here is some of her work.

It was time to load up and head over to the local potter to check out some pottery. 

We ended up at a magical place ~ Mark Rossier Pottery.  He does beautiful work. 

I left with two coffee mugs. 

I had to rush off to head to work. It always makes the day better when you see fun all around. 

Thank goodness it was Foodtruck Friday! I forgot my lunch. 

That comes to now... late in the evening.  Time to say goodnight to our new family members. 

We used a mail cart and converted into their new temporary home. 

That it , that's my day, TGIF. 

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