Friday, December 2, 2016

Apples every where and a trade

We began the day with a big breakfast. This is the part of homesteading that shows the hard work is worth it.  I made vegetable hash from stuff we had grown topped with eggs we had from hens we raised and salsa I canned. *feeling accomplished*

Someone gave me a box of apples  - thank you! I had to work with them fast... they were close to their expired date but still very good and sweet. 

The first batch I made dried apple on a suggestion from my brother-in-law. Made both plain and cinnamon. I love this device. I have this one that attaches to my mixer and another just like it but a hand crank.  It peels, cores and slices all at once! 

As they got done I put them in a bowl of water with a little lemon juice. 

Then dried them all day while I was at work. They turned out sweet and the color was perfect.

The girls were very happy to get the cores and peelings. 

My time was limited. A friend told me about cooking it in the oven over night.  I thought if it will cook in the oven how about in the roaster?  I gave it a try to cook them while I was at work. 

I put all my apples in the roaster. 

Added about 2 cups of water so it wouldn't scorch. 

Added a few cinnamon candies I had leftover from making cookies and a 1/4 of a cup of sugar. Covered them, put the roast on 175* and left it to cook all day while I was at work. 

When I got home I found they had cooked down nicely. 

I mashed them with a potato masher. 

And got my jars ready. I got these on sale... buy one set , get the other free. 

They turned out beautiful. 

Oh, and you know I like to trade. Someone bought a new and larger tv than they had.  They then traded me 24 eggs for the tv.... uh, okay sure!  

Okay it is now midnight (so forgive any typos or grammar issues) and my canning job and my job in the city are both done. 

Time for rest. 

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