Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Where are the eggs and canning pear chutney

The other day Dude request I buy eggs from the store. He felt our hens were lacking. I said there should be eggs out there but okay.  Yesterday I bought eggs... gasp. 

Today I went out to go for my walk when the lambs called for me to come over. Molly said she had a secret and Prudence (the small one) said Molly was just a tattle-tail. 

Prudence aka Dolly (Dude refuses to call her Prudence) is below.

Molly said, "come ere"  Sometimes she says that just to get a head rub. 

But this is what she showed me.  Thank you Molly! 

Yep, they were right there she told me. 

A little over a half dozen from the barn. 

Then I checked the henhouse.... 

OH Dude. 

So.... I took the store bought eggs and made hard boiled eggs. 

Most of the day was spent taking down Christmas decorations and 

Canning pear chutney.

I love chutney  I love it with lamb (not one of ours any more but I do like lamb), cheese, oatmeal, rice, over cream cheese, on sandwiches, over tators or with squash. 

Again, I used what was left from the holidays.

Cast of characters:

1 cup of cherry flavored craisins
1 cup of boiling water
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion chopped
1 teaspoon of sea salt
3 tablespoons of grated ginger
1 tablespoon mustard seeds
1/2 red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons of cherry brandy
4 cups roughly chopped pears  ( it was 6 small pears)
1 cup of sugar 

My jars were sterilizing. 

1. Place craisins in a bowl and pour water over them. Set aside.
2. In a large pot heat oil, onions and salt until onions are soften. Add ginger and mustard seed. Seeds will soon begin to pop.
3.  Add vinegar and brandy, stir while gathering the bits on the bottom of the pot.
4. Add craisins with their liquid
5. Add pears (on the second batch I did add an apple since I was short a pear) and sugar. Stir.
6. Put heat on low and cook for 30minutes or until the pears soften. 
7. The chutney should be syrupy not watery and rich in color.  Taste before you ladle into jars. Do you need to add salt? sugar? vinegar?
Are your jars ready? Wipe rims. Ladle into sterilize jars, add lids and water bath for 20 mins or 15 if at sea level. 

Remove from the bath. Listen for the pop or ping of your lids. Make sure all seal . I do not move mine until the next morning, labeling them before putting in the pantry.

Batch 2 

Second batch with apples.

Next time I may try it with brown sugar ...or pepper flakes... or apple cider vinegar...regular raisins... the ideas are endless.

Of course, I left a sampling out for me! Yum!


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