Friday, January 3, 2020

Growing in small places, birthdays, what am I reading, crafts

It is winter but that doesn't mean I stop growing plants.  I love them and need to be surrounded by them. 

My indoor basil continues to grow, ever so slowly. 

These wily plants get a shower once a week and squeal with delight so loudly even I , a mere mortal, can almost hear them. 

They work hard all day purifying  our dry and dusty  air. 

The trees are working hard to grow and doing well. 

Out in the greenhouse the garlic thinks it is spring. Either that or they are darn determined to grow not taking notice of the season we are in. 

I offered and gave the wee carrots, lettuce and spinach a drink of water.

We got up to almost 50* F. 

Hello my wooly friend. 

Birthdays and cards 

I wanted to get a proper start to the year and organize all the birthdays.  Years ago I rescued this birthday organizer from the trash when I was working.  I put it to work today... finally.

You can tell it is old but it works.  I couldn't put very many cards in each pocket so I think I may make a new one from a binder. 

Here is how I organize birthdays at a year's glance.  It is posted inside a kitchen cabinet so I know right where it is. 

 My cards are ready for January and two sent out today . 


I decided to branch out on my reading. I usually only like to read nonfiction and educational books. Last year I joined a book club to expand my reading to fiction. Here is my challenge for the beginning of this year. 

Here is where I am beginning....

Listening to... Travels with Charley in Search of America

My historical mystery is this one … A Curious Beginning.


I began a couple of new projects. This one I have seen for a few years and always wanted to try. It is a temperature afghan.  I am crocheting one row for whatever the temperature was that day.  Remember, I am trying to only use what I have so the colors may be a bit off. I love that it is only a row a day.

Here are the first two days... paddy green and light periwinkle. 

Then I saw that my friend Kelly Ann put out a wool challenge of doing one penny hexie a day. I have only ever worked with wool , as in fabric, once and jumped at the chance to improve. 

Now don't judge... smile... this is my first attempt.

Again, I love that it is only one a day.

Then the quilt along I am following is this one. I am way behind since I am only beginning but I can't wait to dig in! 

That's it.  I need to see to my  crazy dog. He is doing his best Snoopy imitation. 


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