Monday, March 20, 2017

First Day of Spring

If you are doing the 52 Week Money Challenge with us, this is week 12. Put $12 in your jar and we are $78.  We save all year and then have no issues when Christmas .

We got a call today that the trusses are ready for the front and back porches.  They will be coming from Cheyenne, Wyoming . 

Today is the First Day of Spring and is sure felt like it here. It was warm and in the seventies. Perfect weather but we know better here out on the plains. Winter has not totally left and heavy rains are on their way. It is so dry this year and not the green we had last year. 

 It is also the Feast of St. Joseph and the patron saint of our house. Yes, yes we know it is traditionally on the 19th of March but this year the church celebrates it today. Pope Francis focused his homily on St. Joseph saying:

“Today I want to ask, grant to all of us the ability to dream, that when we dream great things, beautiful things, we might draw near to the dream of God, the things God dreams about us. [I ask] that he might give to young people – because he was young – the capacity to dream, to risk, to undertake the difficult tasks they have seen in dreams. And [I ask] him to give to all of us the faithfulness that tends to grow when we have a just attitude – Joseph was just – [the faithfulness that] grows in silence, with few words; that grows in tenderness that guards our own weaknesses and those of others.” 

We said a very sad goodbye to Lou Grant, our fun-loving mouser cat .  He stepped a little too close to our country road and was hit by a car.  Usually he and his mom sleep on the carpet by the door , with their paws around each other but tonight Gracie is wandering looking for Lou.  So long buddy.  You will definitely be missed!

Dude is extremely sad tonight.

Look what was delivered today!  It is my drum carder. It gets the wool ready to spin after it has been washed. This makes it go a lot faster. 

Otherwise, I would have to do it by hand... way slower. 

Tomorrow will be busy.  Dude picks up more cattle panels and Libby, another new horse, is delivered tomorrow. Yes, we will have two horses. Yep, still need to go to work too to pay for all this stuff ~ smile.  Living the dream. 


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