Friday, February 9, 2018

Crafty day and getting ready for snow

The morning was another foggy and frosty morning. Dude calls them froggosty days. I knew it would be cold but I thought the fog would burn off. 

It took me a while to get to card making with friends today. The frost and ice was thick on the car. Dude thought he would be nice and "warm" the car. After a while it was still frosty. I went out to see why. He had the AC on full blast in the car. I told what he did. He asked why would he even do that... well, because he is married to a menopausal woman, who can , at times, be driving in a blizzard with the window down but last night I had the AC 

 I finally got to making cards after driving slower that normal through very thick fog.  Here are the results. 

After a bit of shopping for straw bedding and a few groceries we came home, brought in wood and lit a nice warm fire. 

3 pm

Colder, frostier, and foggier than this morning.

With all the ice on the fences I am concerned the power may go out.  I want to be prepared with water.  We will be warm with the wood stove and our oven is gas but flushing toilets require power plus we will need water for washing dishes.  We have been here before. It is not fun but it is better to be prepared than sorry. 

I used this handy hose that hooks up to the sink to help me out. 

Ready plus some that were already filled in the other bathroom.

Stopped at the library for a movie weekend.

Ready to crochet. 

And a book to read. 

This guy is now ready to quilt and have the binding attached. 

This one will be backed and ready to quilt. I had added the boarders a few months back.

My sewing room view. 

Lamps need to be filled. 

5pm  Dinner is make your own pizza. Fog never burned off.  Time to relax. 


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