Sunday, February 4, 2018

A cold Sunday Funday and Sunday Dinner

We had a family birthday to head to today two hours away before heading back home to watch the Super Bowl. On the homestead we still have to do chores before anything... and it was a cold one. It was snowing lightly this morning with heavy fog.  Chores were quickly done... Feeding the ram, the horses, chickens, guineas, and geese.  The dog is let out to run around before the ride. 

We packed water and the eggs we hard boiled last night and then it was time to hit the road. 

The ride was a frosty and snowy one. 

We arrived without a hitch. The ride was beautiful and it was good to be with everyone.  Family and parties are always fun. 

We had a great time and then it was back home again.  

We got home around 3:30 pm and we were still surrounded by frosty grounds but the afternoon chores of putting the animals to bed needed to get done and eggs collected (we don't want them to freeze.)

It was chilly in the house and we had to get the wood stove going. 

Time for chores. 

Get a few things from the greenhouse and since it will be below freezing , I needed to put the plants "to sleep" and tucked them in. 

The lettuce will come back so I leave it. 

Dude got to the eggs before me and had a little bit of help. 

We are getting ready to raise a steer or two for ourselves.  I know nothing about cows but Dude, my amazing husband, was raised in a cattle family and surrounded by cattle friends and family.

So, I decided to try Sunday Dinner of beef. Sunday dinner when I was growing up was all about family and a big dinner after church.   I have been surrounded by old and traditional cookbooks. Beef - not something I am used to cooking. Today I am starting with  roast with Yorkshire pudding. I love using old cookbooks and putting a modern twist on the cooking.  I put the roast in the crockpot before we left this morning.  It turned out great with veggies from the garden. (if you haven't tried growing carrots in the winter you should)

My first attempt at Yorkshire pudding. I have some growing to do with it but not bad for my first attempt.


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