Friday, November 17, 2017

Catch up on the week - gardens, dog, granola and fairies.

The work week as been busy and on a discombobulated schedule due to year-end projects. Yesterday we did come to a wee bit of normalcy. There was some work in the garden. A winter garden is limited but we have a variety of lettuces, spinach, herbs, carrots, radishes, beets, parsley, cilantro and probably something else I have missed. 

These are perfect for single taco salads - black beans, onion, peppers, tomatoes, salsa and cheese. 

Norman is settling nicely and a bit bored with two old farts at times. Farm animals keeps him entertained, dude's training and walks on the land and treadmill are his routine. 

I did get a batch of granola made today -oats, nuts, Chinese noodles, honey, maple syrup, salt, vanilla, cinnamon... 

Added a bunch of dried cranberries, cherries and blueberries once it cooled.

Yesterday Dude did plant bulbs in the front yard. Rototilling and composting were done in stages from Tuesday through Thursday. 

It is so dry and dusty here.
 At times you can hear those who came before us - the plains Indians, the homesteaders of the Dust Bowl and even my ancestors who came across here in the 1800's - pregnant and losing a baby through giving birth between Fort Morgan and Denver in a covered wagon, leaving it, burying it along the trail to move on to Denver and Wyoming.
Every so often my imagination takes me to when I was a kid in the glen of our property near the coast in North Carolina, so green and lush.
Fantasy would come alive with Irish stories my mom would tell us of fairies and magic to distract us from any doldrums we may have and bright light to all corners of any child's imagination. I did stop for a moment this week to try my hand at making a garden fairy. 

I am so far away from the green coast where I grew up.  I live on a dry and dusty land but it is ours, all ours and we are getting as creative as we can to green it up. 


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