Saturday, August 18, 2018

Rainy Saturday

Dude hit the road early to go way out east (a six hour roundtrip drive) to celebrate a farm friend's 70th wedding anniversary. They still help farm!  Dude wanted me to stay due to the risk of severe weather to be with the animals (and I needed a break from being on the road all week).

The weekend clothes washing was making a soothing chunking sound in the mudroom while our Spanish lesson talked on in the background.

I began where it makes me happy...  the garden. With all our storms and hail I am glad we never gave up and continued to replant and take care of our gardens. We are getting some rewards. This toad takes his job guarding zucchini very serious.   

A welcome sight. 

Spinach... I tell ya, this one little plant that survived has given us , at least, three salads a week. Today is no different. The secret is to trim with scissors at the stem. 

Today's haul. 

I did get a few more things for dinner.  A friend told me how to make and stuff a zucchini blossoms. I wanted to give it a try today. 

A storm was indeed coming in.  I plugged in our weather radio. I don't keep it always plugged in due to the loud alarm it sounds for the threat of severe weather. Out on the plains it is always severe and why my brother's no surprised only 20% of the pioneers survived and stayed on the plains. 

I love that my turkeys come say hello. 

The sheep and horse already moseyed to the barn to get out of the path of the storm. 

Time fold laundry and strip beds. 
Did take some time for reading. 

The rains did come and it was wonderful. 

(hope this plays for you)

I had a great day with the dog by my side. He was really good today.  Started a new hat and hope to have it finished tonight while watching the game. 

Getting ready to settle in for the night and eyeballed from the kitchen window a hen making her great escape out of the hen yard. 

And off she goes.


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