Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Funday on the Homestead and a wee bit beyond

Always looking for something fun and inexpensive to do we went to the local county airport.  It is free and fun to watch small planes come and go. We usually stay and have breakfast at the restaurant  located there as well.  And the kids love it. 


Came home late and spent time with the goats. Peppy, the youngest, was very playful. Our plan is to sell the two milk goats we have now and breed Peppy. Keep her as a milk goat and maybe some of her babies. She is half  Nubian -they are high milk producers and half Alpine - high butter fat producers. 
Some how they all broke into the grain bin and ate to their content until we caught them. Needless to say they did not feel like eating this morning. 

We picked garlic and carrots for the week. A few survived the gardens outside the greenhouse from all the storms and hail last week.  Still loving these garlic that were from last year's Russian garlic.

And made this fabulous recipe from a friend's blog. You can find the recipe here . It is ravioli soup. Dude had two helpings. I had a couple of raviolis and mostly soup.  Very good stuff and big pot for a family. 

Sewing and Crafts
Sewing and crafting is always important on any homestead. 
Ending the night working on the zebra. We have news of a new grandchild in December. We don't know if it is a boy or a girl but we are beyond excited. 

One newborn cap knitted.

I am still working on getting 10,000 steps.  I have lost 11 lbs so far starting with a 1200 calorie diet, 30 grams of carbs per meal and walking 10,000 steps. Still have 3000 to go tonight so I better get on the treadmill.  (and finish the zebra)

peace, health and happiness

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