Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Escaped for a bit, then back to work

Here it is the second official day of vacation, well, for me at least. Dude had to work up north to finish up a job before Thanksgiving.  I had my whole day planned out .... the city, museums, and fancy luncheon.  But while feeding the goats this morning Dude starts telling me chores he prefers to be done today...he shouts from the barn ,"get on the tractor, the pitchfork is there, get the dirty hay out of the goat pen" .... giggle... I yell back , " yep, sure dahhhhling right after I get back from the museum in Denver." heehee Denver here I come right after I finish my tea.  Dude can't hear and yells back, "wow, you are going to the gym?"   ...uh, yeah, right.

I guzzled down my ginger tea and swallowed a few bites of oatmeal before heading out the door. I figure I can make it back by noon, clean the pen and still have time to sew. It was gorgeous, the warm before the storm, 64 degrees.   I picked up my mom and headed downtown.  Note to self ... Thanksgiving week is not a good week to go to the museum.  It was crowded, no place to park and busloads of kids everywhere.  So, we headed over to Tennyson St and got lunch at Parisi pizzeria, trattoria e vino . We shared a salad pizza. It sounds weird but it is wonderful ! It got crowded fast but at least they have parking! Good time and good conversation.

I got home around 1:30pm -2pm, changed clothes, put on an apron and headed out to the barn. I got on the tractor when it dawns on me, I don't know how to turn the dang thing on. I called Dude and he walked me though it.  I rode over to the goat pen and start shoveling out the straw and goat manure and into the back of the trailer. I had a lot of willing helpers

 I got four shovels in when I hear a pop. My back was about to go out. I had to walk it out before it really went, otherwise there is no one to rescue me if it did go completely out. I was planning a prayer walk later with the goats any way so off we went to work out the kinks in my back and pray. It worked well. 

When I got back I decide to shovel on the opposite side and as I lifted as load,  I recited the rosary out loud so as to not focus on my back . It worked like a charm.  I got it done in an hour with a little help from my friends.

Dinner- will be leftovers... I need a bath plus I am completely exhausted. 
Dude called, he will be late, he wants to complete as much as he can.  Lovely.
Another psychedelic schnauzer completed.  I love these guys.

Time for a movie.

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