Monday, November 23, 2015

Candy making day

Most people hate Mondays, I know, but I love them. Each Monday a bunch of us Sisters of Plains aka farm girls meet to learn about milking goats, spinning yarn, crocheting, canning...lots of canning, and just plain having fun. Today we met to make candy, peanut brittle and English toffee.  We all gathered at Sunny's house...down a dirt road, near an old turkey farm , stretching the open prairie and just past the blowing tumble weeds. Yep, that's where Sunny lives with her family plus alpacas, goats, dogs, cats, turkeys, geese, hens, and others I am sure I have missed.  She is a wealth of information plus it helps that she majored in Home Ec. 

So today she got out one of her old college books and we got to work.

We laughed and had a great time all day making (and eating) many batches of candy.  It smelled of buttery goodness. I found that making candy is really all about science and patience then  rushing to put in in a pan before it all hardens...for us it is mostly about friendship.

The results:
Peanut brittle

English Toffee
Yep, Mondays are a good day!

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