Wednesday, March 30, 2016

More snow and making beef jerky

 It got really cold today after a nice spring morning...and then the hail arrived...again. I can't complain. It wasn't harsh or an angry hail, just small size wanna-be hail.  Then the wind decide it didn't want to be left out.  The wind was a bit angry. The house was quiet with me reading or napping most of the day and the wind kind of freaked out the dog who barked at it off and on all morning. I did take some time out to run get the mail, get some parsley to dry from the greenhouse, and check on my birds. The mail was junk, the parsley was few and the birds were cold. The vent in the greenhouse was open and the glass on the screen door was as well.  For some reason Dude thought it would be a warm day...what??? I closed it all up and scampered back to the house.  Brrr

The outdoor/coop birds are kind of stupid. I know, I hate to say it about any of my birds but these will stand out in the snow like little kids not wanting to go to bed early. They won't go to the coop until evening...goodness gracious!

Dude is home early today! It was snowing where he was  and by the time he got home at 3pm it is snowing here too.
Sorry the picture is blurry. I was being pursued by the sleet.

The sleet was fierce on the way out to milk the goats.  Dude still won't let me milk since I have to sit and lean in until the 6week doctor appointment. He is such a gentleman despite the cold.
We are getting a gallon a day.

Angelo is a wee bit jealous of all the girls attention.

Peppy has to be leashed as she loves to jump and balance on everyone!

Last night Dude stayed up to marinate beef for jerky. He had gone over to Hudson Meat Locker over the weekend where he usually buys his jerky to ask them how they make theirs.  They were generous with their time and recipe! We  bought round steak from them that they had sliced the way they have theirs. Today he is putting in the dehydrator.

**side note ** Dude loaded the dishwasher last night before heading to bed and after he marinated the beef. This morning while unloading the dishes I found my sewing scissors in the silverware basket. Dear God! Please tell me he did not use them on the beef !!!!

I will let you know tomorrow how it turns out. The house smells insanely wonderful!

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