Saturday, September 15, 2018

Busy day ~ happy Saturday

Today was one of those days where I didn't think I would get everything done.  The morning chores and breakfast were finished.  I needed to drive the truck to find hay, cat litter and a few groceries. Dude was not feeling well and his shoulder was hurting. 

I got in the truck... okay, I drive a Prius... you just push a button and go. I stared at the console for a bit and then realized oh, duh, I need a key.  I finally got it started and the first song on the radio was Bon Jovi singing …"it's now or never".   How appropriate... thank goodness it wasn't Crazy Train. Backing out the song changes to … "what doesn't kill you makes you strong".  Time to breathe, sit up straight and get 'er done. 

First stop was the home and garden store... oh look … giant mums for sale. I bought two, then I had to get dirt to plant them.  That was hilarious... okay, dang, they were heavy!

I did get hay...but I had to ask Dude what am I asking for ? Hay? Timothy Hay? Grass... They were all out of everything except grass hay.  The guy looked at the back of the truck loaded with dirt, giant mums and now this and said, "you ain't doing all this yourself!"   I just laughed and kept on going.   Truth is, I'm not. My sons are coming over tomorrow to help. 

I was exhausted when I got home and took a wee nap. I wasn't sure I was going to get everything done but I did. I feel like I really need to get in shape, get into some type of exercise routine. Well, it wasn't quite exercise but we did get outside.

 Dude and I  took our evening walk. 

The moon was already out and ready to get to work. 

I saw a sad sight.  Our friend the hawk was dead in the tree.  We loved watching him on our walks. Don't know what happened, just so sad to see. 

I love this stump.

Dinner was sea scallops, shrimp and salad. The roast I put in the crockpot wasn't finished. Sometimes, okay many times, things don't go as planned. 

It was time to tuck in the animals. 

I was lucky to get a prayer walk in with the turkeys. They are such good friends.

Goodnight kisses were given all around. 




  1. Pretty mums.....beautiful sunset! Sorry about Mr. Hawk. ��

  2. thank you. I hope he wasn't shot. Sad to see him like that.

  3. I enjoyed reading this but sad for Mr Hawk.

  4. Thank you and I wish I know what happened to him.
