Monday, October 26, 2015

The Coop

I wanted share my chicken coop with you .  There are all kinds of coops out there and here is ours. Dude built it from what we had around. I asked that it be big enough for me stand up in so I could get in there and really clean it out. 
Take a look.
I had help cleaning the coop.
The floor is made with shower vinyl. This makes it extremely easy to clean, just rake and sweep. The container in the back right is for calcium.  

I use wood chips on the bottom and like to use straw in the laying boxes.

We have more than enough boxes for them to lay eggs, but they usually on use 2 of them. I like that the boxes face the house. This way I just walk out at night and get them, instead of going inside a hen house and possibly getting dirty.

We put a lean-to on so they had shade in the summer. The plug is for a heat lamp for the chickens and a heat stand for their water so it doesn't freeze in the winter.

Used house vents to air out in the summer.

 We usually keep around 15-20 hens. They are molting right now and not laying much. We do have one rooster. If you go out when they are young and talk to them every day, they will ride on your shoulder.  Mine love to come running when they see me. 

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