Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fall creations.. Cornhusk doll and model train building begins

Depending on who you talk to October  is the month of pumpkin everything (my son, Noah LOVES pumpkin everything!) or time to hit every beer garden there is! A friend recently went to Germany and gave a few of us a peek into the wonderful world of Oktoberfest... Munich, Bavaria, the works.  But here on the homestead it is a time of preparation... the gardens are put to bed for winter, the barns filled with straw to warm animals and for creating … the cool weather and the indoors brings crafts, sewing, hobbies, and so much more to life. 

Today was a day to rest indoors with wind and rain coming across the plains. Dust devils ran rampant across the land to lead the rain that quickly came and went. 

I was a bit under the weather so I took time to  rest and then time to craft. 

We will have our craft party in a week and I need to practice with some of the crafts before hand. 

I made a cornhusk doll today. We made these as kids when I was young. I look out at the corn field and think of them every day.  I remembered I had some leftover husks from making tamales, found them in the pantry and got to work.  I soaked a few in a pan of water to soften in them.  To make them, it is best to use an even number of husks plus one.  I used four husks plus one. 

Dry them with a paper towel. 

I used embroidery floss to tie the top together tightly. It's a good idea to have a few lengths of about 5 or 6 inches ready for this project. 

Separate the bottom and fold it over the top. Tie another tie around for the head. 
Then take your extra husk and tie each end for the arms. 

Divide the husks by two and tuck in the arms. She is beginning to take shape!

Tie another around to create her waist. (save the trimmed threads to share with the birds)

I took a thin piece of husk to make her hair. I wanted to keep it natural and not use glue.

So, I tied a piece of floss around her neck and hair to keep it in place..  and here she is! 

Tomorrow I will show you how to make the boy to go with her. 

Joann's Fabric had a 60% off of fall stuff.  I got this adorable bakeware. 

Dude was also busy creating his model train. 

Hope he moves it to the side before Monday... we will need to use the woodstove if the snow begins to fly. 

My new favorite room. My sons came over and took the bed out of the spare room a few weeks ago. I made the room into a quiet reading room. It will be used tonight and many nights.


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