Saturday, April 16, 2016

Snow day = making butter, sewing and taking it easy

Today was one of those days you dream of at work.  A day where it snowed all day and you could stay home and just veg.

Someone looked wanting  at the outdoors.

So what did I do?
Watched lots of Outlander the first season. I went to crochet and found this....

I saw all this milk and thought I need to start making something from all this dairy.

I have been saving the cream (thank you for the reminder Susanna and Sunny)  from the top of each of the containers. Before I could make the butter I let it stand at room temperature until it got to 72*. (goat's milk is naturally homogenized)

Then whirled it in the food processor.

Rinsed the butter. Squished the buttermilk out.

And done! I rolled it in wax paper and put it in the refrigerator. Pretty cool. (Btw cows don't convert beta carotene and their butter is yellow. Goats are much more efficient in processing what they eat. They convert beta carotene into vitamin A. )

Tomorrow we make cheese!

Day 12  Sewing Challenge - made pillow cases.

I really like the look of the hem fabric. It looks a bit vintage to me.

Later we both cringed at feeding the goats.  It requires one to trudge out in the snow and slush. In the end we both went out together. 
Turkeys were doing fine.

 This stupid one escaped when I checked for eggs.

She ran as fast as she could from me.

So I went to check on the goats. Goats hate rain and snow.  

 We ended up bringing in the hen to dry off.  She ran right into the slushy water trough. She is back in the hen house. 

Time for a big quilt and a big mug of cocoa spiked with turmeric.

Peace, Health, and Happiness

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