Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More snow due this weekend

Forecast has been rain for all week with snow in Friday's forecast.  I started back to work this week so balancing homestead with being on the road has been a challenge. This morning I got going with laundry and made some queso jalapeño cheese. Then head out to the greenhouse for more transplanting. The sun shining outside was deceiving. I went out in a t-shirt and capris. The whole way to the greenhouse I was saying, "brrr, brrr, brrr!"  And ahhhhhhh in the warm greenhouse.

My one little bird friend has turned into a party of birds. These guys hang out all day in the front yard. Later, I saw the chickens chasing them out of the hen yard.

Not a whole lot new since the focus has been to return to work. I need make more cheese today and Dude was looking at tractors today.

Hope everyone has a great night.

Peace, health and happiness.

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