Friday, July 1, 2016

Rain and homestead update, turkeys, gardens, goats and sewing

We got a significant amount of rain last night.  Yay! I don't have to water today. Colorado's moisture usually is fast moving and due to our dry air ,rarely soaks into the ground or comes with damaging hail. But last night is was just a good rain.  It is drizzling now and we are suppose to have rain most of the afternoon. I won't be working outside so here is an update on how everything is doing.

The turkeys have a new home. They are coming to the end of their journey and getting pampered with good food and a new home. The home will later go to the broody hen and her chicks. 

Skippy checking out the turkeys new digs and scratching his head.

Broody hen still shacking up with the goats. I had to laugh yesterday. I saw the goats running out of the barn with the broody hen running and screaming at them all the way to the field. I don't know what happened but they got her goat (pun intended...giggle)

Part two of breakfast...hay!

Corn is looking good.

Skippy gets his hay separate. The other goats don't let him eat. 

Lou hanging out.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse. 


Tomatoes outside . There is just not enough heat this year. 

Sewing more bonnets. 

Just need to put the brims on tomorrow. 

Next up meditation and saved some time for embroidery. 

peace, health and happiness.

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