Sunday, July 24, 2016

Good morning

Our morning starts with counting the chicks and making sure they are all there. Mama Hen is so grouchy that I don't think anything could get near them.  Otherwise, she spends the day humming to them and teaching the chicks to scratch for food.

The laying hens and our one roosters are feeling their oats.

I was lucky when the barn swallows came sat next to me. Then they started flying around my head. It made the morning magical. 

Skippy is just a big love goat.

Dude says this is his Charlotte. 

The girls all said good morning. 

And head to be milked.

Running Water tells us this is where the food is if we didn't know. 

Pepper waits patiently to be milked.

Dude talks to each one of his girls. They love to be talked to and scratched.


Milk time!

Someone is trying to get my attention.

Then the barn swallows came back to tell me they have other barns and fields to visit and whirled around my head. 

Running Water is impatient to get out to the fields. 

Angelo says  YO!

And then it is out to the fields.

We hope everyone has a great day. 
peace, health and happiness

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