Sunday, July 2, 2017

Our weekend - friends, birds, dinners and creativity

The new guineas are doing fine.  Guineas are very flighty birds. So we have to keep them in their homes for a couple months so they know this home and won't leave us.  Once they are familiar with where home is they will do fine when we set them free. 

The turkeys.  They are trying to fly ...a lot.  We had to put a board on top of them so they would escape. 

The geese. They are adorable and follow us everywhere. 

All of their lodgings are only temporary until Dude finishes the bird barn. 

Last night's dinner. 

I really didn't want to cook last night. The cool part about having a pantry and growing food is you don't have to look to far for you next meal. 

I had a can of chili and a can of baked beans and that equaled dinner. Added two onions from the garden, 4 cloves of garlic, a few ham hocks from the pig, a bit of molasses and our honey, salt and pepper and you have dinner. Boy was it good. 

Topped with pepper jack cheese. 

Next up from the pantry was dessert.  I jar up a few different things like these oatmeal chocolate chip mixes.  Just add butter, eggs, and some vanilla and we are having cookies!

Sunday funday.  We are learning to relax and well, God kind made sure we did with an afternoon rain. 
But before that we had our friends Mundie and Mario come out. They are hoping to start an urban homestead in the city next year and came out to get ideas. 

Here is Mundie checking out our collards and cabbage. 

We got a good chuckle when the horses snuck up on him. (okay, they scared me too) 

He said hello to Mrs. Periwinkle. 

And cooled off on the front porch.  It was nice to have visitors and glad they could come out.

Later we drove to Barr Lake to see what they did with the bales of hay this month. 
I love it!

The rain did come but only enough to cool us off from the heat. 

We relaxed the rest of the afternoon.  (a rare picture of Dude relaxing!)  I made a couple of capes on the porch while Dude rested and read. The capes are no sew, very easy and half hour of time from start to finish. 

This one is for my friend Robyn. Just something to warm herself at work.

This one is for me. I work on the 4th. It gets very cold in our office. 

Dinner was quick and easy.  Fajitas.  Pepper, and onions from the garden, cooked chicken from one of our hens that we froze from a week or so ago, plus spices, cheese and jalapenos.  Good stuff. 

Dessert ... I took out a couple of cupcakes I had frozen a few months ago, topped them with strawberries and chocolate sauce. 

Time to sit with Dude and finish this rug up. Yes, it will need to be stretched when completed. 

Then off to bed to read. 


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