Monday, February 10, 2020

Pizza Dough Recipe - If you have a bread machine you should try this!

February had been cold and good time to try out my bread making skill and sometimes lack there of... the oven will help warm the house. 

Pizza was last night . I will get to the recipe in a bit. 

The rustic bread the other day turned out fabulous and Dude has now requested it as his sandwich bread from now until he gets sick of it. This is a no- knead bread that you bake in a dutch oven. 

A fail this week would be the dinner rolls.  It started out just fine...

I put them behind the woodstove to rise from the heat... but what happened was the dog figured they were there for the taking and ate 3 of them. 

Yep, when I yelled he spit one out on the floor, silly chap. 

Now the Pizza Dough. I had never used the dough cycle on my machine and it was time I learned.  It turned out so well, now, I want to make cinnamon rolls!

Preheat oven 450*F

Put the ingredients in the machine in this order (I know it sounds weird and reverse but it works). 

2 teaspoons dried granulated yeast
3 cups bread flour (I am using this more and more instead of regular all purpose flour)
1 teaspoon salt 
2 tablespoons sugar 
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup warm water
plus 2 tablespoons water

Select dough cycle, on mine it was #9 or 10.

Let go through the cycle. 
Then I just left it in the machine for 20 more minutes and it had risen to the top.

Remove, knead a little. Then flour an area and roll out into your shape. 

I sprayed a baking sheet and sprinkled some cornmeal on it. 

Transfer rolled out dough to a baking sheet.

I like my crust thin and crispy so I poked the crust with a fork and baked for 5 minutes first. 

Then add a tiny bit of olive oil over the top,  I used our homemade canned pizza sauce next and add whatever cheese and toppings  you like. 

We used up leftover cheeses , all kinds... cheddar, provolone, pepperjack, swiss and cream cheese. It tasted great.  Dude added pepperoni on his and mine was kalamata olives, onions, and sundried tomatoes (from the garden last year) . There are so many variations swimming in my head!

Then bake the whole thing for 10-12 minutes.

Sooo good and filling!

peace --pizza!

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