Sunday, February 2, 2020

Celebrating Candlemas Day

 Today many people celebrate Imbolc (it is no where near spring) and even Ground Hog's Day (if it even resemble a prairie dog we aren't trusting it!)... we celebrate Candlemas Day.

It is Candlemas Day and as the saying goes -
If Candlemas Day be fair and bright
Winter will have another fight
If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain
Winter won't come again
If Candlemas Day be dry and fair
The half o the winter's to come and mair
If Candlemas Day be wet and foul
The half o the winter's gone at yule

Candlemas is where we celebrate the Presentation of Our Lord in the temple.  Jesus is a light to the Gentiles.... even the world and for that we celebrate!

We light candles! Lots of candles! 

And I made ice luminaries.   Cut a gallon water bottle in half. 

Put a jar or plastic cup inside (to be able to put a candle in the luminary).

Fill with rocks to hold them down and they don't float. 

Add decorations... and fill the outer ring with water. 

Put in the freezer overnight and they freeze solid. 

The next day...

Then to get the jars out I put a metal knife in the jar and added hot water. The knife helps so the jar doesn't break. I don't know why it happens but I have always done this with ice tea and it works.  This will help loosen the jar so you can take it out. Cut away the water jug.

Put in a candle. I had these outside but it was so windy the candle kept blowing out and for once, it was too warm and the ice was melting. 

I brought them inside for a bit. 

It is  better to do this on a snowy night and outside but here it is.


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