Saturday, November 24, 2018

Bread pudding with bourbon sauce and making a pillow case

My son did a bit over-kill when he brought over the rolls for Thanksgiving. I decided to make bread pudding .   I had been reading Tales of Gletha the Goatlady last night when I got my inspiration. They talked about how Mondays were Bread Pudding Day because Mondays his mother baked fresh bread. That meant any old stale bread became bread pudding. 

Here is how I did it. 

Preheat oven 350*
Grease an 9x13 inch pan

5-6 cups of old cubed bread - we had dinner rolls
5 eggs - thank goodness we have 5 hens laying in this cold weather... the rest are not giving us any eggs. 
3 cups of milk
1/4 cup butter - sliced
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla 
3/4 cup raisins 

In a large bowl combine eggs, milk, sugar, salt, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. Add cubed bread and raisins.  Press the bread down until it is all soaked in. Let it sit for 10 minutes to soak it all in. (I went to find some fabric).

Spread and press into your baking dish.  Bake for 40-45 minutes. 

While it bake I went to the sewing room. I needed to make a pillow case for my grandson's birthday. He is turning two soon.  I got him some gently used books, a wooden train, and now, the pillow case. The pillow case is super easy and done in 30 minutes to an hour. I had someone waiting for me to assist in my sewing. 

She approved of the fabric choice … an old fishing panel.  Cats love fish.

I decide how wide I would cut each piece of the fabric.  I would use the width of the fabric for the size.  The main piece is 23 inches, the trim is 1 inch (next time I will make it 1.5 inches) and the end border is 10 inch wide. 

Take the trim piece and border and folded in half longways wrong sides together.  Press.

Sandwich the three pieces together with raw edges to the outside. 

Stack them together and sew. 

Press out on the right side.

Fold the whole case right sides together and sew around the two raw edges. 

 Snip the corners.

Turn rightside out, press.  Done!

Back to the pudding....

Time to make the sauce...

In a sauce pan heat together..

1/3 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 2/3 cup of water
3tablespoons of butter
2teaspoons of vanilla
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

While that comes together take 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and mix some of the liquid in a small cup , stir together so there are no lumps.  Add to the mixture with 1/8 cup of bourbon.  On medium heat cook to desired thickness for the sauce. Serve over warm bread pudding.  Delightful. 

Three hours later and it is time to head to the party. 

Happy birthday little fella.


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