Saturday, October 6, 2018

National Cardmaking Day and A Fall Yarn Doll

We spent a nice slow day today. The morning was spent at a granddaughter's volleyball game.  Kids today are amazing. I don't remember being that great in sports or that young!

I am trying to get in 30 minutes of some type of exercise each day.  I bundled up (it rained all night and it was only in the windy 50's* F) and walked the property fence line a few times with the dog.

The wind was blowing to harsh to clean the chicken coop...oh darn.

So, I did the next best thing … craft.  I tried to get this shawl done but it just isn't going to happen today. 

It is National Cardmaking Day. 

I practiced making a few Halloween cards. 

Then it was time to try a fall yarn doll.  I began the same way I made the yarn octopus I made about a week ago.  I didn't have a Styrofoam ball that fit for a head so I just wadded up a piece of paper. 

I think she looks perfect without eyes. 

But gave her some anyway. 




  1. Love your crafting! Perfect color for a fall shawl.

  2. Thank you... A day without crafting is just not a good
