Friday, October 12, 2018

A very autumn Friday!

We had a very busy morning going from appointment to appointment.  We warmed up the car and scrapped the ice and frost off the windows before heading out. 

It is World Arthritis Day... appropriate that Dude had his follow-up appointments for his new shoulder (arthritis, spurs and other such invasions had been removed 6 weeks ago).  Science and medicine are truly amazing these days.  Healing has been wonderful, all considerations being taken. (grin, Dude says large magnets pose a problem when he walks by them)

We didn't come home until 2 pm.  It is always great to be home.  I did take a small detour to the library.  Angels and all the spirits of the season were looking out for me as I went back to the car. I was reading the back of a book when I looked up to see a snake slithering and zigzagging across my path.  As I screamed, it looked up (I thought to strike me), said hello, wink and kept on sliding into the ornamental grass nearby.  A young boy came running out , smiling and yelled... how cool!  It took me a moment to breathe and head home.  Dude and I are so connected. He called right when I got in the car to ask if I was okay. (he couldn't have known what just happened) I asked him why and he said he didn't know, he only knew he had to call me right then.  *love*

I took time to be with my birds and lambs to calm my nerves. 

Look at those irradiance feathers!

I gathered up a few gifts they left and thanked them with corn. 

I watched the farmers bringing in the silage (corn). It is amazing how it strips the corn right from the cob!  Notice the snowcapped mountains in the background?  I went out and talked to the guy who owned the farm and asked if I could glean for crafts and decorations when they were done. He was more than gracious to share. 

This is the sorghum down from the corn. 

Here's the book round up from this week:


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