Sunday, May 7, 2017

Quilt retreat and greenhouse update.

I left the homestead early Friday morning and ended at the base of Pikes Peak for a quilting retreat. It was bliss sewing for three days.  No cooking, cleaning or anything... just sewing! It was great. 

This was my view from my sewing machine. 

Anywhooo... it was great to be home this afternoon on the homestead.  Even though the porch isn't done I took seat and breathed in all that is good of home. 

Then headed to the greenhouse to cut lettuce and spinach.  Dude tilled the ground around the greenhouse. We have been working with it since we moved here 5 yrs ago.  It was all rock hard when we got here. 

The greenhouse is looking great! I headed to the salad section and got to work.

Lettuce picked and overflowing. 

Peas are reaching for the sky. 


Peas... for our stir fry tomorrow. 

Here are some pictures from the retreat. As you can see the crafting was diverse! 

Someone knitted doll socks. 

Another beaded.

Lots of quilting .



A prairie dress for the upcoming 4th of July.

These butterflies are all hand-sewn and hand quilted. 

An autograph quilt table top. 

This is one of my table runners. I made three. 

Good friends.  You could hear so much laughter all weekend! 

Yep, someone finished some socks. 

Row by row from 2016 pattern. 

Wool and beading.

Pirate love. 

Hawaiian quilt with octopi and sea horses.

I finished hand sewing my penny rug. 

I am finishing a quilt top and will post this week. 
All in all it was great fun and I would do it again. 

Back to work on the homefront. 
Dinner was simple, salad from the garden with hard boiled eggs from the hens. Then went to the canning shelves and got beans, tomatoes, onions, garlic, left over green chili in the fridge, chili powder, salt, pepper and a dash of sugar with little bit of cheese. Topped with dried parsley and chili and pickled jalapeno, made a vegetarian chili. 


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