Thursday, June 23, 2016

A look at my morning

Here is a quick look at my morning.  It is 10:09am right now and I leave for work at 11:45am . 

I need to help with chores and get "stuff" done.  So here we go....On the way out to feed the animals I pop in a load of laundry and get coffee/tea ready.  Our motto here is , "animals first".  They work so hard for us and we are very thankful for the food they give us...eggs, milk, cheese, food. 

Next up is to get the food from the container. We don't have a barn yet so most of our things are stored in a shipping container, they kind you see on trains. 

We try to close the hens up at night so no predators can get to them. But in counting them two are missing...hmmm....

Good morning girls.

Blizzard and Snowflake are already in with the goats. Dude lets them out first, feeds and waters them and then heads to milk the goats.

Good morning girls. That's Running Water waiting her turn to be milked. Peppy is behind her and is the baby of the bunch, just born this year.

Pepper is being milked.

And looky there, right below her is of the missing hens laying an egg. 

And just below Skippy is Penny...the other missing hen laying an egg. I guess the coop isn't good enough for these gals. 

Oh Angelo...he is already handing out kisses this morning. 

Good morning Peppy. 

Skippy is not sure about this hen taking over his area. 

Angelo is working hard to lose weight. He is doing a fine job of it. 

Back in the house for a muffin and tea. Dude grabs a muffin, his coffee and heads out the door for work.

Made my granddaughter a prairie hat last night. She feels she needs one when visiting.

After breakfast I traced a challenge quilt square that my sister and I are doing. Join us. I found it here.

Another bonnet cut out for family.

Milk is drained and put away. I made a batch of queso blanco cheese.

Made some chevre that  is resting for the day.

It is 10:30am.  I have time to rest a bit before collecting my things and hitting the road. 
Have a great day. 
peace, health, and happiness

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