Saturday, February 27, 2016

New meat chicks, meet Otis baby goat, and quilt treasure

We got out new meat chicks yesterday, Cornish Rock hens.  We have always had great success with them.

Our set up.

This is the pen for the teenagers - Lavender Orpington and Olive Eggers. We have them up in the greenhouse for now.

Then our Americana Layers should be laying any day now. They are in the coop and yard.

Meet Otis. He is one of Running Water's son. He is mischievous, happy, loves to take long naps and spends time in the sun with his mom. Yes, he has blue eyes like his mom.

Crafts and sewing - A lot of times people send over a box or bag of fabric.  Someone is usually retiring to a nursing home or has died.  I was going through one such bag yesterday and found this gem tucked away in the bottom of the bag. Joy!


  1. We are getting our next group of meat birds this week. The others will soon graduate to the yard.

    The new kids are adorable!!!

    1. It is exciting when the chicks get to go in the yard. We do love our goats! Thank you!

  2. We should be getting our next meat birds this week-graduating the others to the yard.
