Monday, December 16, 2019

More Paperback Trees, Crafting with my Grandson, and Day 16 of the Jesse Tree

Advent is a time of preparing.  Most of the morning was spent giving half the house a good (almost) spring cleaning.  Then off to the library. 

The paperback Christmas Tree competition put on by the library is always so fun.  I like to participate mostly to see if I can "start" and "finish" the project.  Everyone is so talented.  Here are some of the entries.  (I do often wonder if, as we fold the pages, if anyone begins to  read the book they are folding and want to finish it... despite only being a partial book. smile)

After school today my grandson and I got together to make ornaments.  It is still too cold for him to go skateboarding so crafts it is!
The first one is the melted snowman... not that that is ever going to happen anytime soon in real life but we made an attempt in our creativity. 
We filled an ornament a 1/4 of the way with fake snow. (this was not an easy concept for him, as melted snow is water he says) He wanted to know if this was real but warm snow?

Blurry snowman parts...

Oops we realized we forgot his scarf!

He is showing his ornament but more than that, he is proudly displaying his missing tooth!

In the scarf goes!

Next up a fun one but seriously cautious craft so we don't make a mess. We prepared to make an acrylic pour Christmas ornament. 
We mixed up 50% floetrol (a paint additive)
30% acrylic paint (one color per cup)
20% water 
mix each one thoroughly. 

We put each clear ornament turned over on a popsicle stick into a piece of Styrofoam to hold them in place while we poured paint slowing over each one, one color after another. 

Now we let them dry for 24 -48 hours , read a book and play hide and seek.  Then spray with an enamel seal in a day or so. 

Crocheted a few scrunchies before dinner .

After dinner I realized I need to make today's Jesse Tree Ornament.

December 16 - Jesse: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Symbol: sheep & shepherd's staff 

"He then asked Jesse, 'Are these all the sons you have?' Jesse replied, 'There is still one left, the youngest; he is looking after the sheep.' Samuel then said to Jesse, 'Send for him, for we shall not sit down to eat until he arrives.' "
Time to felt up some of my wool.


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