Monday, April 2, 2018

Planting, creating, crafting and moving chicks

I pretty much have a blank canvas for my new rose and berry garden. I can't wait but first gutters will need to go up for the water tanks.  Fun time being springtime on the plains. We definitely need rain though.

For the second time my aloe plant is over grown. Last time I was able to get 10 new plants out of it. 

This time I only got eight but, still, that is great.  We use aloe in drinks and for burns, so it is a very valuable plant in our house and as gifts. 

Dude worked on the chicken house and moved the meat birds outside for now. 

It is goose approved. 

A lot more room for the chicks. 

My sisters and I had a trifle challenge. I went the easy route. 

A box of chocolate pudding made. 
An angel food cake already made from the bakery on sale for $2.  Torn apart. 
A can of cherries in sauce. 
Simply layer and serve with whipped cream! 

Craft time with my grandson.  We were making treasure chests.  Take a simple box. Where I work they had ordered a bunch of cameras so I asked for the boxes.  Score! 

The boxes were painted - spray paint works great. Then grab all your scraps, trinkets, shells and leftover mardi gras beads.  Begin to create!

Little man LOVES creating. 

He said a good treasure chest always has gold and a dinosaur. 

Our finished treasure chests!

I got more seeds planted this morning. (the cat is selecting shells out of the container and handing them to the dog below... ugh)

Then she came over to help, of course. 

Four more finished. 

We had our yearly Peep-o-ramas contest. Our team won the Peeps contest due to the skill of our teammate James. Way to go.
Our theme was  Alice in Wonderland. 

Here's another's team. 

Another team had Gladiators. 

I was to get the  leg bands put on the new chicks today but I ran out of time and needed to get to work. It will have to wait until morning. 


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