My mentor and teacher is getting ready to move. I went to see her on Saturday. We are farmsisters. Her husband recently had a stroke so we lend support. She has always been there for all of us. I wish I knew how to support her more.
Anyway... I was greeted by her peacocks. They had no fear and didn't seem to mind the dog that ran past them.
We hugged and talked and then got to work sorting alpaca and llama fleece. She suggested that I store mine in plastic bins otherwise these are just a nice fluffy home for mice.
Since she is moving, she shared many of the bags she had. What a difference they felt after working with lamb fleece.
It was good to be with her but soon her home was filled with people willing to help and it was time for me to leave.
I came home with a wonderful surprise from my nephew's wife. An essential oil package. She is teaching me and encouraging me to use them. Fun, I just know nothing about this!
Next up I headed to the greenhouse to get to work. The greenhouse puts me in such a good news.
First up I separate packages of strawberries. Typically, there are 6 plants in each but I had 7. I am hoping for a lush patch of strawberries this year.
Then I plant the austrees I started in water during the winter. They are rooting well.
Austrees are a type of hybrid willow tree used as a windbreak, grow fast and help with ground erosion.
I soaked the roots of the strawberries.
I had been started apple trees. I am not sure if they will make it but I am giving it a good try.
Strawberries are tucked in.
Austrees planted.
All the plants we potted are going into the house since there is no heat in the greenhouse and snow is due this week.
I did plant some Oriental Greens seeds too.
The rest of Saturday was spend cleaning for our Sunday Funday party. Family was coming over to celebrate two birthdays. My daughter-in-law's brother, Rick and my son Nick.
We lined up and plugged in crockpots.
We filled them with homemade macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and dips. We also had salads, hamburgers, cheese and crackers , chips and desserts.
It was a Sunday Funday.
It is interesting to watch how children try to mimic adults. Be sure you are a good example.
He wanted Grandpa to know he was strong enough to do whatever he does.
Kindness to animals reigns supreme on the homestead.
It was a bit chilly but we did get some horse riding in .
We did take time to remember the time of Lent . Raising four sons it was always challenging to try and get them engaged growing up. One way was to remind them it was a time of spiritual cleaning and to try and show them was by carving soaps. So today we carved soap. (of course, raising sons they used to carve knives and skulls but it got us talking). We will share later what we do with the shavings.
Our readings today remind us of our 40 day Lenten journey and that Temptation is real.
The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. Mark 1:12-13
How is Lent going for you?
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