Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Keeping things warm on the homestead

Keeping things warm isn't just a matter of comfort on the homestead but a necessity.  Here are a few of the ways we keep things going.  Last night it was 16* and we can't have stuff freeze.

In the hen house.... warming red light. We use red instead of white light so as not to mess with their cycles and sleep.

Under their water is a warming stand so it doesn't freeze. 

This is the pump-house ... it is our source of water from the well.  We can't have this or the pipes freeze so we do keep a space heater on low in there.  (caulking can't freeze either)

Animal's water drought has a heater in the water.  Water is a must for our animals. 

I need to find a more efficient way to heat the greenhouse. We use space heaters but it is too expensive. We didn't grow this winter. 

The very first thing I saved for, even before moving in, was a wood stove. It is worth every penny. 
Here's pictures of it going in and I was very proud when Dude got the chimney in!


Then last but not least warm our hearts and souls. 

Stay warm today. 

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