Saturday, October 24, 2015

Coop and watering animals

We have been finding ways to conserve water with the well being out. After I washed the dishes today I used the water for our tomatoes in the green house. I read somewhere that hotels often clean without water and use a Scrubbing Bubbles type cleaner.  I went to the Family Dollar store and picked up a couple of cans so I could get my Saturday cleaning done.  It worked well but it is still weird not to have the hot water running to clean.

I did have time to decorate the coop... just a bit.  Hens came to look on.

It still needs a little work.

Since have no well at this time we have to haul water in for the animals. The goats were perplexed and they demanded  kisses to pass .

Basin bath tonight.  I would love to be soaking in a hot bath but the Rec Center shower, hot tub and pool will have to do tomorrow.  *sigh*

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