Monday, October 21, 2019

How do we deal with varmints

My cousin asked me recently how we deal with mice, rats, and prairie dogs.  Well, we don't have rats, thank goodness but we have had to deal with the other two.  Here is my response to him:

We did have mice (no rats) when we first got here, mainly due to the home being empty for so long. Cute tiny little gray or black rascals.  They aren't so cute when you open the pantry or chicken house and they jump out at you.  They were in the walls, mostly, when we first moved in and began remodeling. At night it was hard to sleep from the chewing and scratching we would hear behind our heads. We tried every trap there was from a basic snap trap to fancy electronic sonic things. Nothing work... except one thing... CATS. (I think one came in tonight picking her teeth with a claw moments ago..)  They are the best and take their jobs seriously. We no longer have any in the house (we did rip out the walls when remodeling... scary stuff … they were packed with mice nest and old bodies...of mice).  Out in the barn we do keep all the animal food in plastic trash cans with snap lids with no problems there either. I have never seen one in the bird houses or barn. We had a bull snake living under the pump house, so I figured he was fat and happy eating mice.

Prairie dogs... we had them for a short time.  We found putting opened BAZOOKA bubble gum at their doors did the trick.  They can't digest it and die. Well, that was the suggestion someone gave us and appears to have worked.

Rabbits... the dog helps that.  When we first got here it was a freaking Disney movie with rabbits dancing and singing all around.  Once we got a dog their midnight soirees became a thing of the past.  We have only a few out in the pasture that isn't being used right now.

Hope that helps.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday - coop cleaning, garlic planting, quick crochet and what am I reading

Yesterday we took a day off to get away and road to the mountains.  It was a gorgeous warm day... 70's on the plains and upper 40's F in the mountains.  Snow is due this weekend but for now, it is beautiful. 

We drove up to Breckenridge, Colorado. 

 It was a wonderful day together. 

We will be taking the Georgetown Loop Train sometime in the near future and stopped to get inspired. 

Today I went to the grocery store... well, a big box warehouse to get big stuff like laundry soap, softener, cheese, salt(which I found out they didn't have), coffee, and water. Dude went to return the plywood we just bought... wrong size. 

Later I got garlic ready for Dude to plant (he wants straight rows, I roll my eyes). Dude planted 66 cloves of garlic today.

We giggle because when I got home Norman only uses his dog door to see who is here. 

Next up I need to clean the three bird houses.  We have 30 hens right now.  While I opened up the coop to clean the boxes and living area they girls decided it was a good time to go exploring. 

The cats thought it was a purrrrfect day to sun themselves.

I kept cleaning.  They will begin laying any day now. 

All  the manure goes to the compost pile. We had two wheelbarrows full. 

Ahhh sooo clean. 

Next the bird house... nice and fresh. 

They love to come in to inspect and toss the chips around where they would like them to go. 

Ready for egg laying. 

The hens see their coop is all clean and off they go to arrange the chips and inspect my work. 

Made some fall dish cloths.

What I am reading. 

Time to frost and decorate CAKE! 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Halloween Craft party

We had a great  time at our Halloween party. 

We did have a visitor in our wood stove today. Thank goodness it was a warm day and no fire in the stove.

I made pizza skulls.

We made dragon boxes ...

Floating tea cups...

It was a good day...


Picked pumpkins..

Can you see the witch and cauldron.

We did make boozey cherries aka  Cherry Bounce.  They took it home and to have it ready in December. 

Bye for now with a tractor ride on the way out. 
